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? Nuit Blanche


light installation / saint-Paul Saint-Louis Church, Paris / 2OO7

After receiving an invitation to take part in the Nuit Blanche [night time cultural event in Paris], I started to visit some churches in Paris. I was struck by these huge, often sparsely frequented places, where an elegant old lady quite might naturally be seen alongside a young skateboarder. The importance of religion in society is undeniable, but the basis for my installation was an exploration of the place it occupies in people’s minds–even people who say they are atheists. Entering the church through one of the side doors, the visitor first discovers luminous levitating spheres scattered through the space. As he moves towards the centre, they arrange themselves into a giant question mark superimposed on the religious symbols. The arrangement becomes random again when you walk around the church. What more fitting home for a question mark than an institution devoted to faith, symbolising both questioning and doubt?

Commissioned by:
Jérôme Delormas and Jean-Marie Songy, art directors of the Nuit Blanche 2007

Marc Domage

? Nuit Blanche <br>Paris
? Nuit Blanche <br>Paris
? Nuit Blanche <br>Paris

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